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11 - 17 of 17 results

The stormy period after the first world war saw the police take strike action twice in 1918 and 1919. Iain Dalton's book discuss these events, their contexts and what we can learn from them for today's struggles.

£3.00 *

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In the early nineteenth century, a mass movement developed among working-class and middle-class people, for universal manhood suffrage, annual parliaments and ‘the ballot’ i.e. a secret vote. The huge demonstration on St Peter’s Fields on the 16 August 1819 was the high point of the working-class part of this movement.

£2.00 *

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This is the first real account of Militant, its ideas, organisation and the role of figures associated with it. Five previous books have been written about Militant. But this is the only one which gives an authentic account of how Militant played such a prominent role in Liverpool in the 1980's and the successful battle to defeat the Poll Tax.

£11.99 *

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A collection of the key writings of Ted Grant, one of the founders of the Militant

£6.95 *

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'Greed is Good' - the Premier League Mantra

£5.00 *

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Accounts of the struggle against the poll tax across Kent compiled by Eric Segal, a leading figure in the anti-poll tax struggle who was imprisoned for his refusal to pay.

£5.00 *

The auto-biography of leading Militant supporter and Socialist Party member Tony Mulhearn

£10.00 *
* Prices incl. VAT, excl delivery
11 - 17 of 17 results