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This book shows the miners were right to take the action they did. They could have won a victory which would have raised the sights and confidence of the whole working-class movement.

£7.00 *

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A reprint of the main articles from the original 1988 pamphlet


£3.00 *

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Land of Whose Fathers? takes the reader from the very start of the industrial revolution in Wales right up to the turn of the 21st century

£4.00 *

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A compilation of articles by campaigners fighting to stop the destruction of the NHS


£1.00 *

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Contains articles on the Leeds Gasworkers strike 1890, the Manningham Mills strike 1890-1, the Old Dog Strike 1909, the Yeadon lockout 1913 and the Leeds Corporation strike 1913.

£3.00 *

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Peter Taaffe and Tony Mulhearn's book depicting the struggle of the Militant-led Liverpool City Council 1983-7 against the Thatcher governments cuts, which draws out numeorus lessons for future struggles.

£11.99 *

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In 2007, four trade unionists from different UNISON branches were publicly and unjustly accused of racism. This book tells the story of the campaign that cleared them of all charges.

£5.00 *

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A reprint of 1979 pamphlet originally published as a Militant pamphlet, 1979 as a contribution towards the question: Can Corbynomics lead to socialism?

£5.00 *

From Militant to the Socialist Party covers developments from the New Labour takeover to the first rumblings of the world economic crisis of 2007-08, and is the sequel to The Rise of Militant.

£12.00 *

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Workers' control and workers' management is a new book by Ted Mooney, leader of the 1960 apprentices' strike - in which 100,000 young workers took part - and member of Merseyside Socialist Party.

£5.00 *

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* Prices incl. VAT, excl delivery
1 - 10 of 17 results