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This book shows the miners were right to take the action they did. They could have won a victory which would have raised the sights and confidence of the whole working-class movement.

£7.00 *

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A report from a visit to the Soviet Union in October/November 1989.

£4.95 *

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Contains articles on the Leeds Gasworkers strike 1890, the Manningham Mills strike 1890-1, the Old Dog Strike 1909, the Yeadon lockout 1913 and the Leeds Corporation strike 1913.

£3.00 *

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A collection of the key writings of Ted Grant, one of the founders of the Militant

£6.95 *

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This pamphlet answer the question, what happened to the Communist International established in the aftermath of the Russian revolution?

£1.00 *

Ted Grants classic polemic defending the analysis of the USSR in the post-war period as a deformed workers state

£1.00 *

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Lenin's April Theses was written when he arrived back in Russia in April 1917. The main ideas outlined by Lenin apply just as much to Tunisia and Egypt today as they did to Russia.

£2.00 *

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A speech by Marx to the First International Working Men's Association, June 1865.

£2.00 *

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A contribution to a discussion of Marxism and modern science, cosmology and dialectics, the Big Bang and Marxist philosophy.

£7.50 *

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In the Middle of the Road: The ILP and the Fourth International

£1.00 *

Currently unavailable

* Prices incl. VAT, excl delivery
1 - 10 of 63 results