Science, Marxism and the Big Bang

Science, Marxism and the Big Bang – A Critical Review of Reason in Revolt (Amazon Book)


From Militant to the Socialist Party (ebook version)

From Militant to the Socialist Party ebook image

Science, Marxism and the Big Bang – A Critical Review of Reason in Revolt (Kindle 2025 edition)


Science, Marxism and the Big Bang discusses some of the great philosophies and scientific discoveries of cosmology – including those of Aristotle, Galileo, Newton, Kant, Hegel, Engels and Einstein.

How should Marxists approach big science, such as the Big Bang theory of the universe?

A contribution to a discussion of Marxism and modern science, cosmology and dialectics, the Big Bang and Marxist philosophy.

Available as a Kindle book.

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The ancient Greek philosopher Anaximander once wrote that the heavens and the worlds within them began in a “sphere of fire”, arising from some unbounded chaos. Some 2,400 years later, Friedrich Engels echoed Anaximander’s dialectic: “Everything that comes into being must pass away.”

Science, Marxism and the Big Bang discusses some of the great philosophies and scientific discoveries of cosmology – including those of Aristotle, Galileo, Newton, Kant, Hegel, Engels and Einstein.

This discussion dispels the misconceptions of Reason in Revolt – the book by Ted Grant and Alan Woods that claims to expound the fundamentals of Marxism – in particular that the Big Bang theory is just another “creation myth”.

Engels praised Immanuel Kant’s theory of the “origin of all existing celestial bodies”. Peter Mason argues that Engels’ outlook is compatible with modern theories of our universe.



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Publication date


Fourth Edition November 2024 with new preface

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