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Marxism in Today’s World (E-Book)


Marxism in Today’s World deals with many questions of vital importance to marxists, from imperialism and war to the world economy, the national question and the environment.

SKU: EB0002 Category:


This book is the result of a discussion between Peter Taaffe, General Secretary of the Socialist Party in England and Wales, and a member of the International Secretariat of the Committee for a Workers’ International, and an Italian Marxist, Yurii Colombo.

It tackles head on vital contemporary issues: war, including the Lebanese conflict, the future of Israel/Palestine, the environment, China and its future, economic prospects for world capitalism and many more controversial issues. This provides a vital Marxist analysis for all those who wish to understand how Marxism can affect the worldwide ideological struggle between capitalism and socialism and lay the basis for a new world of human solidarity.

2nd edition with a new 8-page introduction dealing with new developments since Marxism in Today’s World was first published in 2006.

Read the review in the Socialist no.800

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