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Liverpool a City that Dared to Fight (eBook version)


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The momentous events in Liverpool 1983-7 sent shock waves across the country. Hardly a week went by without the city being in the news headlines. Financial crises, a unique house building programme, education reform, the Heysel Stadium tragedy, the Sam Bond Affair, the expulsion of Derek Hatton, Tony Mulhearn and others from the Labour Party, through to an 18 month court battle which ended in the surcharge and disqualification of 47 Labour councillors – all are covered in Liverpool – A City That Dared To Fight.
Not only a commentary, this book is also a penetrating political analysis of the grown and development of Marxism in Britain, and particularly the role of Militant in Liverpool.

About the Authors
Born in Birkenhead, and active in the labour movement since 1960, Peter Taaffe has been editor of Militant since its inception in 1964. He was expelled after 23 years membership, from the Labour Party along with the four other members of the Militant Editorial Board. Closely involved in the events in Liverpool 1983-87 as the editor of Militant and making many visits, speaking at meetings in the city throughout the crisis, he writes with the analytical eye of an editor and with the passionate feeling for events as an expatriate Merseysider.

Active in his trade union, the National Graphic Association, since starting work, Tony Mulhearn joined the Labour Party in Liverpool in 1963. He was Vice-President of the District Labour Party for 8 years, then its President for a further 5 years. Elected to the Liverpool City Council in 1984, he soon became a key figure in the council struggle, combining his position on the council with the presidency of the Liverpool District Labour Party, until his expulsion from the Labour Party after a Spanish Inquisition style inquiry in 1986. Tony Mulhearn was one of the 47 councillors surcharged and disqualified from office by the unelected district auditor in March 1987.

To get a physical copy of Liverpool A City That Dared To Fight, visit our sister bookshop Left Books.

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